We've revolutionized private credit as an alternative to banks and their clients. Our strategies cover a wide range of risk/return profiles all while leveraging the scale of our platform to deliver investment solutions that meet our clients' needs.

Why Private Credit?


Private credit offers the potential for attractive returns


Build a portfolio with private credit for added diversification


Private credit remains strong during various market cycles

Benefits of private credit

Tailored Solutions

Negotiated terms, covenants, and pricing structures

Structure protection

Private credit may offer protection with senior-secured loans and collateral-backed assets

Fluctuating Interest Rates

Loans have floating rates causing borrowing costs to fluctuate

Private Credit Strategies

Our private credit platform offers different strategies to lend money to companies and help banks manage risk


Private loans to mid-market companies


Supports businesses with collateral-backed loans.

Real Estate loans

Financing for real estate projects, backed by property assets.

Venture, growth, buyout

Flexible loans for innovative, high-growth companies.

For all size businesses

Small, medium and large businesses provide a diversified way to get access to capital that supports they’re operating needs to scale their businesses


Access to capital in exchange for preferred and common equity in stressed scenarios.

Unique Financing

Complex financing arrangements for businesses with specific asset-backed cash flows.

For investors

Contact your financial advisor to learn more about BlueCrown's private credit strategies

Financial Advisors

Are you a financial advisor? Learn more how you can build your client portfolios

For Businesses

If you have any questions about your account, contact us

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